
Support - for sure

The database is the technical heart of your company. Our job is to maintain your IBM Informix database and to ensure availability and trouble free handling of your business processes.


We deliver the database services you need – depending from your individual requirements and budget. Even if motivations and involvements of our clients Informix support requests may differ – in any event hamburg data supports you in:

  • Changing of configuration parameters
  • Implementation of any agreed services on your Informix server
  • Questions about structure and handling of Informix
  • Searching for Informix topics

relevant for:

  • Chunks
  • Tablespace
  • Bufferpool
  • Memory
  • and much more

Depending from your requirements we deliver the following IBM Informix maintenance services liable for cost:


Standard Support – if you need the basics only

  • is purchased automatically for a minimum period of 12 months when buying the IBM Informix software (product support)
  • covers only software failures caused by the producer
  • includes Updates/Tradeups, Patches, Bugfixes and Hotline (8X5) for Informix versions liable for costs


Advanced Support – if you need more than the average

  • precondition: existing product support contract (standard support)
  • is purchased optionally for a minimum period of 12 months
  • includes handling of questions regarding database installation, configuration, optimization, and coaching and consulting via telefone as far as possible
  • also offered for free Informix versions (Innovator-C)

Details: Informix Advanced Support  


Remote Support – for your discharge

  • is purchased optionally for a minimum period of 12 months
  • overtakes and eases your database administration
  • includes a single term „Health Check" of your system at the beginning
  • defines an individual sizing of required database services

Details: Informix Remote Support  


Individual Support – if you need something special

  • is available monthly – ideal for database support demand occuring in the short term and or for limited periods of time (e. g. holidays, illness, peaks)
  • includes services of Advanced and/or Remote support

Details: Informix Individual Support  


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