
License optimization - value for money

The variety of existing IBM Informix database editions and license types enables IBM Informix user to license their used database software based in a financially attractive way. To have a lot of license options is definitely positive.


On the other hand the existing licensing types and options may complicate the selection of the most suitable licensing solution for you business purpose. But it is worth to have a closer look at technical, financial and legal aspects of the given opportunities in order to avoid incorrect licensing.

Incorrect licensing could cause additional costs such as penalty fees or increasing maintenance costs. In both scenarios you will pay more than you really need. The rude awakening will happen in the case of a compliance test executed by auditing companies assigned by IBM.

In this case not only Informix licenses have to be purchased to the list price - additionally significant penalty fees have to be paid. Furthermore you have to think about the legal consequences. Chairmen and managing directors are held to be responsible for the liability personally.

An IBM Informix license evaluation makes sense at any time:

  • during running services  >  reconsideration of changes in the past
  • at the time of purchase  >  cost savings in the long term
  • before changes  >  value for money


In cooperation with you we will bring light in the darkness of the world of IBM Informix licenses. We advise you to license your IBM Informix database in the correct and most efficient way in order to save money. This will happen individually and quickly benefiting from proved IBM contacts.

An Informix Compliance Check consider eg.:

  • Informix Editions
  • License types
  • Special regulations
  • CPUs
  • Sockets
  • Way of database access
  • Virtualization technologies
  • ...


Basing on a checklist and the actually valid conditions of IBM license agreements we prove your actual IBM Informix licensing regarding correctness, usability and cost efficiency and make suggestions for optimizations.

After a first information exchange via telephone or on site (at our discretion) which is nonbinding and for free you receive a detailed fix price offer.