IBM Software - for a safe future!

IBM Software - for a safe future!

IBM Software


Additionally to the offered Informix Server products and the corresponding consultancy-, sizing- and maintenance services hamburg data offers the complete IBM software portfolio to you. The broad range of IBM software comprises tools and solutions for data processing and organization, for system management and system distribution, for data management, integration of applications and development tasks. In the following we would like to introduce you in short into the "brands" of IBM.

IBM Information Management Software

The database management system DB2 is distributed for various platforms. Actually there are offerings for IBM-Mainframes (z/OS), fort he operating systems Linux, Unix and Windows and for IBM Midrangesysteme. DB2 manages data in tables and store them in tablespaces. Besides standard SQL data types DB2 supports also text, tones, picutres, videos and XML data. To ensure best performance DB2 uses an optimizer.

IBM Tivoli

Tivoli offers software for the management of information systems. Tivoli monitors server, distributes software and save data. Furthermore it enables release-, change- und storage management. One of the most important fields where Tivoli is used is the operational management (business automation, storage management, security).

IBM Lotus Software

Lotus Notes software brings social collaboration and business applications together within an easy to use integrated desktop experience, helping you discover, transform, and socialize content with colleagues. It helps keep you focused on your work, pivoting you to the collaboration tool you need at the moment.

IBM WebSphere

Websphere offers various software for the integration of applications, infrastructure (eg transactions, queues) and comprises an integrated development environment.


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