Financial Sector

Reorganization / optimization of IBM Informix databases to accelerate ETL processes in the financial industry.

Healthcare Service

Consulting, planning and implementation of IBM Informix healthcare database solutions with high availability (HDR).

Retailing Industry

Analyze and optimize existing IBM Informix database applications and optimize IBM Informix database queries and processing in the retail industry.


Administration of Informix environment, preparation, installation and performing of Database Monitoring tools according to the valid SLAs of the end customer.

Public sector

Database support in different fields of credit rating, the maintenance and administration of the scoring platform and the corresponding reporting tools.

Financial Sector






15 months


System environment:

Informix 11.70, Linux, Informix Warehouse, Informix Warehouse Accelerator, Reporting-/Analysis Tools (Cognos/Microstrategy)



The IT Service provider belongs to a nationwide operating Finance Group and was supported in the fields of optimization of the Informix database configuration, the acceleration of OLTP processes and the configuration/administration of Informix Warehouse Accelerator.

  • Reorganisation of the IBM Informix database in order to enhance and accelerate ETL-processes. Preparation and execution of
  • Informix- & Workshops dealing with options regarding system enhancements and Informix high availability options



  • Extension of data storage
  • Consolidation of Data marts
  • Adjustments Refresh-Skripte
  • Creation & evaluation I/O statistics
  • Creation & evaluation of index, table, chunk I/O statistics
  • Optimization PDQ, Light Scans
  • Query optimization (Informix optimizer)
  • Creation DBSpaces
  • Creation databases
  • Execution of Informix-/SQL Workshops
  • System evaluation
  • Presentation Informix High-Availability options (HDR, RSS, SDS)
  • Implementation consulting