15 months
System environment:
Informix 11.70, Linux, Informix Warehouse, Informix Warehouse Accelerator, Reporting-/Analysis Tools (Cognos/Microstrategy)
The IT Service provider belongs to a nationwide operating Finance Group and was supported in the fields of optimization of the Informix database configuration, the acceleration of OLTP processes and the configuration/administration of Informix Warehouse Accelerator.
- Reorganisation of the IBM Informix database in order to enhance and accelerate ETL-processes. Preparation and execution of
- Informix- & Workshops dealing with options regarding system enhancements and Informix high availability options
- Extension of data storage
- Consolidation of Data marts
- Adjustments Refresh-Skripte
- Creation & evaluation I/O statistics
- Creation & evaluation of index, table, chunk I/O statistics
- Optimization PDQ, Light Scans
- Query optimization (Informix optimizer)
- Creation DBSpaces
- Creation databases
- Execution of Informix-/SQL Workshops
- System evaluation
- Presentation Informix High-Availability options (HDR, RSS, SDS)
- Implementation consulting