
Cognitive Computing - see, check and decide

You face a high data volume, you suffer from mostly unstructured data and would like to know more from your files? You plan to

  • select
  • classify
  • analyze

information – in brief: you would like to have your questions answered but you have no idea

  • which data you have
  • where they are and
  • how you can use them?

Most likely this is a job for IBM Watson and Cognitive Computing!

But what or who is IBM Watson? If you are thinking about Watson you might think of the fictional character in Sir Arthur Conan Doyles detective stories. IBM Watson is not a character but both share the same habit – to assist somebody and to find solutions for problems. In the novel Dr. Watson supports Sherlock Holmes, today IBM Watson supports IT users – therefore YOU!

IBM Watson is an integrated platform including tools and services which enable you

  • to prepare
  • analyze and
  • evaluate data

IBM Watson is part of IBM’s cloud offering Blue Mix. Blue Mix includes

  • infrastructure
  • software and
  • service offerings

for different fields (eg. Security, Data & Analytics, Internet of Things …).

In total there are more than 100 offers - even programming languages for application development. IBM Watson is a cloud based service and part of Blue Mix. For preparation and analytics of data users can select between IBM Watson Analytics and IBM Watson Explorer – depending from the amount of data to be analyzed, the requirements and the existing budget.

  • What makes the difference between IBM Watson and other offered IBM analytic tools?
  • Which tool is the most suitable one for your requirements?
  • Who in your company should work with analytics tools?

There are especially user friendly tools for the average people in your department which supports rapidly, in natural speech and without any expert needed (eg IBM Watson Analytics). Sufficient for many cases – but if required more you can select more capable but also more complex IBM analytics solutions (eg IBM Watson Explorer).

We support you to ask the right questions from the beginning on, to define your requirements and to offer the suitable IBM analytics opportunities. hamburg data benefits from it's partner status and the connections to IBM representatives in the fields of IBM Watson/Internet of Things und Industry 4.0.

If you need orientation and deeper insights in the structure, opportunities and capabilities of IBMs analytic offerings in the field of IBM Watson/Internet of Things und Industry 4.0. contact us. We are your pathfinder and help you to initiate your IBM Watson/Cognitive Computing Project.


Project consultation

A project is a complex issue – especially in the field of IT. Normally a platitude you would have thought … - as much more astonishing, that projects fail due to the same failures responsible for lots of projects crashes before. Why? Possibly because no one cares about the so called "irrelevant" details which might go sometime, somehow …?

A long time ago Henry Royce said that details do not create perfection, but perfection is no detail! In any case the most important questions should be answered before the project starts.

  • What is our goal?
  • Where are our actual bottlenecks?
  • Which alternatives do we have? Which are our requirements?
  • What about the time schedule?
  • And the costs?
  • Who is responsible for what?
  • What’s up with the communication flow?


Related to IBM Watson we can answer some of these questions, for others we can deliver information and some we can’t answer because we do not belong to your company. These questions must be processed by your decision makers.

But we can help you function as a „pathfinder“ and support you:

  • doing the evaluation of your system environment
  • finding out the actual bottlenecks and consequences
  • creating a requirement specification
  • asking relevant questions
  • seaching, analysing and selecting products and solution alternatives
  • finding out preconditions
  • informing about budgets and licensing
  • selecting experienced experts for implementation tasks


We will support you at an early stage in order make sure that your IBM Watson/Cognitive Computing project will be realized successfully – without any extra and needless time and financial Investments.