NEW: Informix 14.10xC5!


Informix 14.10xC5 was released in December 2020! After some essential new features in the xC4 release in the fields of Replication, High Availability and Monitoring (IFX HQ) IFX 14.10xC5 is mostly a bug fix. Despite of this there are some new features in the Sharding environment.

 Sharding is a specific way of partitioning. The complete data is divided in portions and spread over several servers. Each portion is managed by its own server instance. Besides the data also the processing power is divided. This improves performance. In very huge environments (dozens of servers) mostly hash based processing is used because of more flexibility when adding new servers.


 Fix List:

You have questions about Informix 14.10xC5 in detail or Informix in general? You are planning a project and needs assistance? You are going to migrate to IFX 14.10 – keep in mind, that IFX 11.70 was “end of support” in September 2020! Get in touch with us!

 Contact: +49 40 875 00 589, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.