Informix 11.70 is discontinued in September 2020


Already 6 months ago we have informed you about the upcoming discontinuation of Informix 11.70 in September 2020. Now this point is straight ahead in front of us!

The discontinuation refers to all Informix Editions (Express, Growth, Ultimate, Ultimate Warehouse). The “end of support” announcement (eos) means that Informix 11.70 is officially not supported any more beyond the eos date – even if a valid Informix maintenance contract is existing. In case of database problems beyond the eos date the IBM Support is liable for costs.

If you are still using Informix 11.70 we recommend updating your database server to the actual available and supported releases v12.10 or v14.10 as soon as possible. You will safe costs and benefit from the advantages in the fields of performance and security the newer release offers to you - specially the Workgroup Edition offers more value for money. If you need more RAM or cores  for the Workgroup Edition the latest Informix version 14.10 is the first choice because existing hardware limits have been elevated.

You are interested to migrate from Informix 11.70 to Informix 12.10 or 14.10 – and you will do it soon and not at the last moment? May be you are already planning changes and enhancements in your Informix environment? Possibly you do not have a valid maintenance contract any more? We guide you informing about the most attractive ways to license, install and configure the new Informix software which is most suitable for you by avoiding compliance and liability risks as well as technical bottlenecks.

Contakt: Oliver Hesse, Tel. 040 875 00 589, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.