New: Informix Release 12.10xC10


In November 2017 IBM has released the new Informix Fixpack 12.10xC10. 

Besides the usual bug fixes, Informix 12.10xC10 includes new features in the fields of administration, performance and time series. Personally we would like to point out the enhancements in performance – specially in the data compression.

What can you expect? A selection as follows:


Fix list for Informix Fix Pack 12.10xC10:

Don’t forget: in April 2018 Informix 11.50 will be discontinued! From this point on there is no product support of IBM even if you have a contract. If assistance is required it is liable for costs! 

We suggest to update your Informix database server on time to Informix 11.70xC9 or, more suitable, straight to Informix 12.10xC10.